
Alfabeto d’onda.

Alfabeto d’onda.

Puntatore laser, membrana vibrante,
specchio, carta, pennello, vernice nera.
Performance, 2024.

Laser pointer, vibrating membrane,
mirror, paper, brush, black paint.
Performance, 2024.

Pointeur laser, membrane vibrante,
miroir, papier, brosse, peinture noire.
Performance, 2024.

Rossella Ferrero, Andrea Roccioletti.








Roccioletti  Roccioletti



In esterna.
Proiezioni di forme d’onda su edifici.









Meteorologie personali.
Nuvola in provetta.

Cotone da kit di pronto soccorso,
contenitore in vetro, sughero.
Installazione portatile, 2024




“Eh! qu’aimes-tu donc, extraordinaire étranger?
J’aime les nuages… les nuages qui passent…
là-bas… là-bas… les merveilleux nuages!”
– Le Spleen de Paris,
C.Baudelaire, 1855.


Otello: “E che so’ quelle?”
Jago: “Quelle sono… sono le nuvole…”
Otello: “E che so’ ste nuvole?”
Jago: “Mah!”
Otello: “Quanto so’ belle, quanto so’ belle…”
Jago: “Ah, straziante meravigliosa bellezza del creato!”
– Che cosa sono le nuvole,
P.P.Pasolini, 1968.




Digital installation by Andrea Roccioletti
@ Leise-Park, Heinrich-Roller-Straße, Berlin
For #nfcdab2024 6th edition.


The qrcode refers to the antipode of Leise Park: the most distant place from the park, on the other side of the world, and in a straight line across the planet.

To calculate the antipodal point, given X the latitude at which we are, to obtain the latitude of the antipodal point it will be sufficient to exchange North with South or vice versa. Given Y the longitude at which you are, to obtain the longitude of the antipodal point, in addition to exchanging East with West or vice versa, you will have to subtract Y from 180°.

The digital installation therefore connects one place to another, but at the other end of the world, the most distant location on your mobile phone.

Leise-Park, Berlin, Germany
52°31’49.992” N
13°25’15.58” E

South Pacific Ocean
52°31’49.992” S
167°31’49.992” W






nfcwproject #nfcdab2024

In 2024, we are launching the 6th edition in which, as usual, we want to present any kind of art based on a digital network that expresses and interacts with a dynamic and distributed P2P (peer-to-peer) form, realised through electromagnetic, light and wireless technologies. Do It With Others. DIWO. In this project, we want to explore the issue of silence as an opposition to the anxiety we may feel in the context of the development of various digital trends and Internet technologies. The pervasive availability of mobile devices for spreading content and ideas through all types of Internet-based media, creates a sense of loss of self-control resulting from the pervasive information chaos. Our beloved smartphones are beginning to turn us into a kind of zombie addicted to absorbing information content from the Internet. What consequences does this have for us as well as for further social evolution? Do the emotions that accompany us at this moment allow us to analyze this phenomenon. Can we face this new reality? Can artists help us understand what currently surrounds and shapes us.


NFCDD is an injection of Internet-based information, culture and art into the real public space by means of the NFC technology. Abybody who has got a compatible device can use available/shared NFC tags. These tags can be written or read multiple times. They cannot be formatted to be recorded only once, as ­ they are to be a free network for exchanging short links and short ideas in a text form. Read more here:


Click here for the project




Performance al termine del laboratorio
Corpi liquidi, solidi, aeriformi.
Corpi estranei, corpi contundenti.
sabato 13 gennaio 2024, dalle 20.00 alle 23.00
@ GreenBox, Torino

Con Vanessa Depetris, Carola Demarchi, Claudia Isabel Alban, Rossella Ferrero, Raffaella Panero, Tiziana Doronzo e Maria Mesiano.








Antropometrie negli scatti
di Vincenzo “Enzo” Bruno ph.
Thanks to Alessia Incampo.















27/1, ore 18:30 @ Spazio Elementi
‘negato, Neurodivergenti Peripatetici

26/2, ore 21:30 @ GreenBox
Il corpo e il labirinto, prima data workshop

15/3, ore 19:00 @ Spaziobianco
Viaggiare, mostra fotografica & performance




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